Studio KO: Let’s start with the idea of the spotlight that we shine on something that we love. As if to help emancipate it, to encourage it to go on living its life. From a workshop to an apartment, from an auction house to a home. From the touch of a loving hand to the grasp of a greedy one – when it is not already the other way around! Sometimes objects go through the purgatory of the garage or furniture storage. It all depends on love, fashion or entropy.
Objects: they have a life of their own of course. It is entirely their own, we cannot take it away from them, at most we can choose to be part of it for a while. Like them, they will be part of ours for a while – or maybe yours. These collections – of hundreds of objects – that our professional work has led us to, all have at least one thing in common. We liked them, we like them, we will continue to like them. They speak to us. But with time – and perhaps a special form of maturity – there came the desire to share them, to make them travel the world.

Another thing they have in common? That most often they are the result of manual work. The result of a unique and precious continuum that goes from thought, abstract design, to physical realization. They are the fruit of this harmonious movement, sometimes laborious, which all creation requires. They are therefore fragile, like us, and this is undoubtedly where their ethical value lies. Karl Fournier & Olivier Marty, founders of Studio KO.